Mental Health Parenting Relationship Sex Education

Breaking Innocence: The Aftermath of Early Porn Exposure

Over the past decades, especially since the beginning of the 2000s, the growth of smart devices and internet availability has changed our way of living. From studying to shopping, from socializing to entertainment, the digital world is now an important part of our lives. However, with this enhanced connectivity also comes unregulated access to content that is not often age-appropriate and, in many cases, not properly monitored or regulated.

Growing up in the digital age means that teens are constantly exposed to new ideas and experiences online. But with this constant flow of information comes the actual challenge: how the things they come across can shape their mental health, relationships and their view of the world.

Porn: The Teen Trap

The term “porn,” short for “pornography,” refers to explicit material designed to stimulate viewers by depicting sexual acts, behaviours or nudity. When individuals excessively consume this material, it is called porn addiction, a condition characterized by the need to view porn, often as a way to manage stress or pleasure.

Porn is one of the biggest industries all over the world making around $58.8 billion in 2023 (according to The “Adult Entertainment – Global Strategic Business Report “) that makes this topic even more concerning.

In today’s world where access to sexual content is available in various forms, including texts, magazines, videos and images. Teenagers are naturally curious about sex and seek shelter under pornographic content that gives them a simplified but often misleading view of intimacy.

Teen’s Exposure to Porn

In this era of the internet, everyone is addicted to mobile phones whether it’s kids, teenagers or adults. While the internet is a vast world that young people are exploring every day, the availability of personal mobile devices, laptops and even school devices has made it hard to monitor and control their virtual life.

The actual problem arises when teenagers whether intentionally or unintentionally come across inappropriate sexual content online. The increase in the number of social media platforms, streaming websites and pop-up advertisements make it even challenging to protect teens from encountering explicit content as many social media platform’s algorithms promote suggestive material, exposing young users to inappropriate content without their consent. Peer pressure and curiosity also play a major role, as teens often share links, memes or videos that may lead to pornographic sites.

One of the many examples of such a social media platform is Instagram. It is basically a platform for entertainment and creativity but its algorithm sometimes suggests explicit or suggestive content, even if users haven’t searched for it. A teenager scrolling through such a platform may unintentionally stumble upon explicit content even if he/she hasn’t searched for it. Additionally, teens may also be exposed through links shared by friends or peers on other platforms, adding to the risk of encountering such material.

This exposure can have a negative impact on their developmental journey and distort their psychological, physical and social growth as well as their understanding of gender and societal roles.

Unintended Exposure to the World of Porn

According to the Common Sense Media Survey of 2023, the average age that most kids were exposed to porn is 12 years old; 15% first saw porn when they were 10 years old. More than half reported seeing adult content accidentally while clicking on links they didn’t realize would lead to porn and about 41% reported seeing online porn during the school day.

Teenagers, between 13-17 years of age, are going through various hormonal changes. They are beginning to learn about complex concepts such as attraction towards other sex, intimacy and the significant changes in their body. Their naturally developing innocent minds need time to accept such concepts and are not ready for the sudden exposure to the harsh, unrealistic & emotionless stories portrayed in the porn.

The unwanted or accidental exposure to porn at such a fragile age can impact their mental, emotional and social life. It may even develop unrealistic expectations in them regarding relationship, sex or even the perception about the opposite gender. The experience of porn can have long-term negative consequences because teens are still trying to understand their own identities.

The Unseen Scars on Teen Minds

It has become very normal for teens to watch porn where many believe it’s not really concerning till there is no sign of intercourse but, the actual reality is far more complex!

Today, more than three quarters of teens are exposed to porn and there’s a rise especially after the pandemic where everyone dealt with loneliness and boredom. Many teens stumbled upon it while searching for other destinations on the internet. However, what begins as curiosity can quickly spiral into dependency, leaving lasting effects on their mental & physical health as well as their social development. The significant ways in which exposure to pornography can negatively impact teenagers across different aspects of their lives are:

Effect on mental health:

  • Distorts healthy sexual expectations
  • Increases risk of anxiety and depression
  • Potentially creates compulsive behavioural patterns
  • Disrupts emotional processing and intimacy understanding

Effect on Physical Health:

  • Premature sexualization
  • Neurological changes in brain’s reward system
  • Possible hormonal stress reactions
  • Distorted understanding of physical intimacy

Effect on the Social Development:

  • Impairs ability to form genuine relationships
  • Promotes objectification of potential partners
  • Misunderstands genuine consent
  • Creates unrealistic gender role perceptions

Apart from these effects, what’s more concerning is the way porn twists family relationships. The teens wandering around these sites can really mess up their understanding of normal family dynamics. The unrealistic stories portrayed in porn mess with teenagers’ minds by showing family relationships in completely inappropriate ways making it impossible for them to understand relationships, boundaries and difference between right and wrong! Teens exposed to such content where incest relationship is normalised, may not even realise when it starts affecting his/her view of family relationships.

This raises the need for sex education, both in schools and their homes. This will help them understand the changes their body is going through and also, make room for them to understand about healthy sexual relationships, consent and emotional intimacy. Instead of age appropriate sexual content, exposure to porn where emotional intimacy is often stripped off can lead to long term scars on the young minds.

Sex Education: A Shared Responsibility of Home and School

Sex education or sex ed, is the process of educating individuals, especially children and teenagers about the human sexuality that comprises physical, emotional and social aspects of a relationship. It helps teenagers by providing them with necessary knowledge about their changing bodies, emotional development and the vast complexities of human relationships. Given the importance of sex education, it’s necessary to recognize the important roles both schools and homes can play in ensuring that teens receive accurate information about these sensitive topics.

Role of Homes:

Role of parents in educating their teens about sex is very important. When parents initiate these uncomfortable topics with their teens, they establish trust and understanding within their family. This helps teenagers to feel supported as they head towards their journey to adolescence. When educating about these sensitive topics, parents should also emphasize on the importance of consent, respect in relationships and emotional well-being. Involvement of a parent in giving sex education to their teens help them in developing a healthy and balanced approach to their sexuality and relationships.

Role of Schools:

In schools, sex education programs should be arranged for teenagers to help them get the knowledge about their bodies and how to have healthy relationships. These structured programs must be led by trained professionals who offer a safe space for students to learn about sensitive topics such as puberty, reproductive health, personal boundaries and healthy relationship dynamics. Schools shall ensure that the information shared is accurate, age-appropriate, and grounded in scientific facts, counteracting the potential misinformation teens may encounter online. A supportive school environment helps them make good choices and have healthy relationships.

Porn: Perception vs. Reality

Is porn good or bad? This is a very complex question! Porn, on its own, is not the real evil, it’s actually the mind of those who can’t figure out the difference between reel and real, the teenagers.

Porn is a form of entertainment that provides a source of income for those involved in the adult entertainment industry. While porn offers a distorted portrayal of relationships and intimacy, it is very important to understand that it is very far from being real life connections. Real life relationships are a compilation of emotional and social aspects as well and are not just limited to emotionless intimacy.

Teenagers should be provided proper education on these sensitive topics to prevent them from distorting their views of the world. These topics are essential to be talked about more openly both, in schools and at homes, with teens, to ensure they have a balanced and healthy perspective on sexuality and relationships. Ultimately, providing teenagers with the right knowledge and support will help them make informed decisions and develop a healthier approach to relationships and self-awareness.

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Silky Nigam

No matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin color, your gender identity, just speak yourself. Find your name and find your voice by speaking yourself.

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  1. Shrutee Sontakke says:

    your content is amazing silky 👏 and it not only brings general awareness among youngsters but also helps them to add values into their life.

  2. Ummay ruman khan says:

    i hope & pray everyone gains wiseness as you silk… great job 💯👍👏

  3. Harshita Dubey says:

    Excellent post Silky. Really appreciate you bringing this important topic to light!

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      Thank You Harshita!

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