Democratic Naari is a platform dedicated and working constantly and consistently to bring change in the society and in individual’s personality. Better approach towards women’s issues and making it reach lot people to help lot of women would be our primary concern for a better society for women.
In case, If we able to make some profit in near future by social media or website, that will be contributed to introduce gadgets (which is helpful for women) in free or minimal price. We will be more than happy to create employment opportunities to make women financially independent. Women health and awareness is given with the at most priority. For example, educating people to produce sanitary pads in remote areas where people don’t have access to sanitary pads. We will also conduct workshops and seminars for the better understanding, clarity and to bring awareness regarding several aspects related to women.
Our motto is to develop a safer world for women where she is happy, confident and successful, that women might be your Mother, your daughter, girlfriend, wife or sister or no one but still every woman deserve all the things that she aspires for in her life.
“Ramashankar Vidrohi” which goes like
इतिहास में वह पहली औरत कौन थी जिसे सबसे पहले जलाया गया? (In history, who was the first woman burned) मैं नहीं जानता (I don't know) लेकिन जो भी रही हो मेरी माँ रही होगी, (But whoever she was, she must have been my mother.) मेरी चिंता यह है कि भविष्य में वह आखिरी स्त्री कौन होगी जिसे सबसे अंत में जलाया जाएगा? (But I worry, in future, who would be the last to burn) मैं नहीं जानता (I don't know) लेकिन जो भी होगी मेरी बेटी होगी But whoever she will be, she will be my daughter. और यह मैं नहीं होने दूँगा. (And I will not let this happen)
We are small community of people having some thoughts and trying to bring a greater, positive change in women’s life. Even if it helps a single person, we are proud to be associated with Democratic Naari. We are at initial phase and our content is out there to make a difference and also remembering that,
लोग अक्सर कहते हैं, मुट्ठी भर लोग क्या कुछ कर सकते हैं, (People often say, what can few people do) पर जब भी कुछ हुआ हैं, ऐसे ही हुआ हैं… (But whenever something happened, this is how it's happened)