Movement for Women's Rights Across Worldwide democratic naari democraticnaari

Movement for Women’s Rights Across Worldwide

The women’s right movement’s first wave was seen in the 19th and early 20th century where women demanded fundamental rights such as the right to vote. The second wave started in the 1960s and 70s in the USA to provide more freedom to women and provide equal opportunities and rights. The second wave focused on …

Body Image Positivity: What is it, and how can I improve it - democraticnaari

Body Image Positivity: What is it, and how can I improve it?

What size are you in? Oh! The plus size? I’m in xs you know. Come-on you can’t wear crop-tops, they don’t fit you. Bodycons are not for you babe! Yeah and you guessed it right. I’m talking about body imaging. This is what we usually hear from friends, family, but let me introduce you’ll to …

THE GREAT INDIAN KITCHEN - Democratic Naari - Malayam Movie - 2021

THE GREAT INDIAN KITCHEN: A Reality Check about Present-Day Patriarchy

The Great Indian Kitchen, a recent Malayalam film, is being critically praised for its scathing portrayal of the reality of women doing household work. It’s making waves for its silent critique about the endless toil of a woman and the unknowing cruelty of man. The title is neither an ode to Indian food nor its …


Inequality at Household – Gender Inequality from Our Own People

We generally talk about inequality at work place and when it comes to remuneration and education and so many other aspects. What about inequality at our own house based on gender? What about the situation when you are not treated equally by your own parents, siblings and husband? There are boundaries and options set for …