WHY SEXUAL HEALTH IS A QUESTION democraticnaari democratic naari

Why Sexual Health is a Question…

Sex education is the information about sex, sexuality, and connections, along with abilities working to assist youngsters with imparting and settle on educated choices in regards to sex and their sexual wellbeing. Sex schooling should happen from the beginning of grade levels, with information which is appropriate for student’s development and cultural foundation. It should …

9 Ways to keep your breasts healthy and avoid breast cancer democraticnaari democratic naari

9 Ways to keep your breasts healthy and avoid breast cancer

Breasts are an essential part of the body. Like any other body parts, our breasts too necessitate proper care and diet. Young girls are concerned about their breasts, they are often fretful if they have “normal” breasts or not. ( https://www.webmd.com/women/normal-vs-abnormal-breasts ) Most women are anxious about the lumps which appear generally during menstruation period …

Breastfeeding in Workplace democraticnaari democratic naari

Breastfeeding in the Workplaces should be Normalised

Breastfeeding rate has been decreasing since the women employment has increased, as women don’t find a supportive work environment Motherhood is described as an admirable and enjoyable journey of one’s life. But when it comes to providing a supportive and non-ignorant environment towards working moms, there’s no consent. One of the main barriers women face …

fine line between Body Positivity and Maintaining a Healthy Weight democraticnaari democratic naari

A fine line between Body Positivity and Maintaining a Healthy Weight

We are all about body positivity that encourages people to love their bodies regardless of their size, shape, or other flaws. Self-self and self-acceptance are important when it comes to embracing who we are and all of our flaws. One needs to appreciate the body that they came in and stop chasing after unrealistic goals …

type of food must consume during pregnancy democraticnaari democratic naari

What type of Food Women must Consume during Pregnancy?

With pregnancy comes responsibilities of taking care of your child as well as your own self. Be it during the last stages or early stages of pregnancy, what you eat is critically significant for you and your unborn baby’s health. Consuming healthy food can reduce the risk of far-reaching health hazards on your newly born. …

5 foods need to add in your diet for healthy baby during pregnancy and 5 food to avoid democraticnaari democratic naari

5 foods need to add in your diet for healthy baby during pregnancy and 5 food to avoid

A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. It protects you against many chronic non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats, are essential for healthy diet. Moving further into this, we shall learn about some more food items that a woman …

period dignity democraticnaari democratic naari

When will India attain #PeriodDignity?

Imagine waking up in a bed soaked in blood. Imagine borrowing a friend’s jacket to cover up your stain. Imagine not going to school every month for five days. Sounds horrible doesn’t it? This is the life of thousands of girls in India. 66% of India’s female population begin menstruation completely unaware and unprepared. “When …