Early Pregnancy democratic naari democraticnaari

Early Pregnancy: All you need to know about its signs!

People have this misconception nowadays that a missed period is the sole sign that a woman is pregnant. While there are numerous other symptoms that you are unaware of. From sore breasts to morning sickness to mood swings, it happens with every woman in a different manner and with each pregnancy. Here you will find out what all these symptoms are that everyone should know.

Symptoms of early pregnancy

There are only two ways through which you can confirm your pregnancy and those are ultrasound or a pregnancy test. However, there are also some common signs to observe before heading for a pregnancy test. We have got your back here to assist you with every possible symptom related to early pregnancy.

These symptoms can be observed as early as one week after your conception or some weeks after your last menstrual period. While there has also been a case where a woman experience no symptom at all. People who do not have these symptoms still get to have a healthy pregnancy. You can consult your doctor if you are doing well and what to worry about or not about pregnancy.

1. Missed or Odd Period

It is a very common sign in every other woman that they experience a missed period. But, a missed period does not always mean that you are pregnant. There could be some hormonal disbalance also in your body. Knowing the initial day of your last period is highly significant as it will help you know your due date you are surely pregnant.

A few women experience implantation bleeding when their period is due, and it is just lighter spotting than their actual period. It is tough to record a missed or odd period if you are habitual of irregular menstrual cycles. In this case, there is a need for a pregnancy test where a pelvic exam is conducted. If your specialist finds out that pregnancy is the reason for your missed cycle, then steps need to be taken for the possible cause.

2. Elevated Basal Body Temperature

Basal Body Temperature (BBT) is influenced by your hormones and is measured just as soon as you wake up. If it is increased, then you notice an initial sign of pregnancy, even before your test is positive. A woman who is aware of BBT and tracks it for fertility purposes. It can be seen as a positive sign that a woman is pregnant if the temperature does not reduce below the temperatures on a BBT chart.

3. Morning Sickness

Around 50% of pregnancies observe morning sickness, but how severe it would be can vary. Some women feel sick at night while some fall sick all day. Vomiting depends as it may or may not be there. The ill-feeling arises due to the increased estrogen levels in the body produced by the placenta and fetus.

The causes for morning sickness could be food aroma, fragrances, smoke, as a result of an increased sense of smell. This usually occurs between 4-8 weeks of pregnancy, however can also be there as early as 2 weeks after conception. Besides, hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe form of morning sickness that some women notice. This can turn into dehydration and other health-related issues.

4. Sore Breasts

You may have heard of sore breasts before, but this also happens before the start of your menstrual cycle as a result of the high production of estrogen hormone. It is also considered the first pregnancy sign and fades away during your second trimester.

5. Urinating More Often

If you feel like peeing frequently and spend most of your time in the restroom, that may be an indication that you are pregnant. Urinating often is seen in the first trimester and again in your third trimester due to your growing uterus.

6. Fatigue

Feeling sleepy all day is a sign of pregnancy too. This change is seen as there are several changes in a woman’s body in the process to carry a baby. Besides, progesterone in abundance is also a contributing factor to constant naps.

7. Cramping

Cramping is mostly seen during your periods as well as an early pregnancy indication. If you observe early cramps in the uterus, it happens as the uterus starts to stretch and change a bit. In case of bleeding with cramps, you must consult your gyne.

8. Acne

Acne’s are a sign of hormonal changes in the body as well as a pregnancy symptom. There are some medications that you should be careful of. Ask your doctor as some medicines like Accutane are high in Vitamin A and can lead to birth defects.

9. Vaginal Discharge

A woman may experience a vaginal discharge without burning sensation or itching, as an early pregnancy sign. The cervix is making a mucous plug mainly to block the cervix opening and helps in protecting the baby from certain infections. No specific need to worry as these infections can be medically treated.

10. Cravings

This is a popular one! Cravings among women who are in their early stages of pregnancy are common. In the times of period, cravings are observed a lot. So, the craving sign should be considered with other factors as well as an early sign.

11. Bloating

The enlarging belly is a pregnancy symptom and is seen in the first trimester only. Some women may notice a weight gain while some lose it due to not feeling well or a poor diet schedule.

12. Constipation

Progesterone hormone affects various processes in the human body including indigestion. If this hormone is increased in a certain quantity, then it might slower digestion and turn out into constipation. Prenatal vitamins are available in the market that you can take as per the doctor’s prescription. These will remove constipation issues due to the presence of iron in them.

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome VS Pregnancy

Many women mix the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome with pregnancy. These changes look alike and form confusion.

Let’s take bloating, mostly it is seen during the periods and the same refers to cramps and backaches. The best way to confirm is by observing these symptoms and undergoing a pregnancy test. Be sure rather than worrying!

Final Words

Pregnancy symptoms arise very early in few women while it takes time to develop. If you feel that you might be pregnant, then immediately go for a pregnancy test. If you got to know that you are pregnant, but still not sure, go consult your doctor.

Cheshtha Lakhchaura Author at Democratic Naari

Cheshtha Lakhchaura

I practice what I post.

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