Women go through significant changes in her life – one of them being experiencing motherhood. This is the most crucial and beautiful period in her lifetime and every mother or to – be mother would like to make this experience a comfortable and happy one.
During this sensitive period , extra care and protection are required. We know nowadays that 8 out of 10 products are adulterated. In 2018 , the most famous brand Johnson & Johnson faced critical allegation for using asbestos in its talcum powder ( Read More: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/johnsonandjohnson-cancer/ ).
To solve this type of problem, Malika Sadani , the owner of The Moms Co. ( https://themomsco.com/ ) came up with the idea to launch toxin-free, safe products for both the mother and baby.
Malika Sadani- The women who started Moms Co.
The Moms Co. was born due to the urge of a mother to find safe products for her newborn daughters. This was the statement given by Malika Sadani ( the owner of The Moms Co.) during an interview.
During her first pregnancy in London , she did not face much issues regarding the safety of skin care and baby products. However, in India she had a hard time in finding naturally made , chemicals-free products. After talking to some of her friends, she realised that this was the scenario for most of the mothers in India, so this made a banker turn into an entrepreneur.
About The Moms Co.

We all knows the day-to-day products that we use in our lives contain potentially harmful substances like sulphates, phosphates, parabens, chlorides and lots more which is responsible for allergies and other skin reactions. We often neglect about the after effects of using these products , as we do not have the time to search for naturally made products.
The Moms Co. is one such company having wide range of products for newborn babies , mothers and expecting-mothers which is toxin-free, made naturally and Australia certified. The products are the result of the dedication and hard work of the experts around India, Australia and Switzerland.
How did The Moms Co. come into existence?
When Malika Sadani saw her first-year old daughter having rashes , she was perplexed to figure out how it happened. She then got recommendation from a doctor to shift to natural , safe moisturizerwhich finally helped. This made her to step up and find a solution not only for herself , but to the millions of mothers living in India. Years of hard work and dedication of Mrs and Mr. Sadani , along with their team resulted in the start-up of the mother and child friendly company – The Moms Co.
The Journey to Success
Malika Sadani founded The Moms Co. in 2017 , which became a Rs 100 crore brand in October 2020 ( Read More: https://www.businessinsider.in/advertising/brands/article/the-moms-co-already-a-rs-100-crore-brand-aims-to-grow-2-5x-in-2021/articleshow/80986775.cms ). When the company started , it got a Rs 2 lakh turnover which eventually jumped to Rs 24 lakhs , the following year. The company which started with just three people – Malika Sadani , her husband and co-founder Mohit Sadani and a scientist , is now recognised globally.
Women like Malika Sadani are the true source of inspiration. In spite of facing so much challenges she did not give up and decided to make a way for herself and other mothers as well. She empathized with others and understood their problems, like a true leader.