The Moms Co. – The Entrepreneurial Journey of Malika Sadani Democratic Naari

The Moms Co. – The Entrepreneurial Journey of Malika Sadani

Women go through significant changes in her life – one of them being experiencing motherhood. This is the most crucial and beautiful period in her lifetime and every mother or to – be mother would like to make this experience a comfortable and happy one. During this sensitive period , extra care and protection are …

menstrupedia aditi gupta democratic naari democraticnaari

Menstrupedia – The Entrepreneurial Journey of Aditi Gupta

The topic of menstruation has always been a taboo talk in our society. If anyone finds out that the girl is on her menses; she is made to feel embarrassed and treated like an untouchable. They are refrained from entering the temple, eating in separate utensils, staying in separate rooms, etc. But now times are …


What is Maternal Health and Why is it important?

The health of a newborn is solely dependent on the mother’s health. You must have heard many a times, when a healthy baby is born in a family, the credits go to the mother. We all by now, know the importance of maternal health at a glance. Let us understand what do we mean by …