What it means to Identify as Non-Binary democratic naari
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What it means to Identify as Non-Binary

Being non-binary can mean something different to different people. For some people, it means not identifying with any gender. Some people identify as both genders simultaneously, and others might identify as a third gender.

Some people are born non-binary, while others might have felt this way their whole life but didn’t know how to coherent it until they found this term on the internet. And some people identify as non-binary because it gives them more freedom in how they express themselves.

There is no set definition for what being a non-binary person is like – because every person’s experience of their identity will be different from the next – and there are no clear rules about what kind of pronoun someone should use for you if you’re non-binary.

Some people who identify as non-binary may feel that they are born with one gender but they feel like that isn’t true for them. Some may feel like their gender is in between male and female or some other combination. Others may not even have a word to describe their own identity, which is still valid.

To understand what it means to be non-binary, first we need to know the difference between sex and gender.

What is the difference between Sex and Gender?

Sex and gender are two very different concepts that are often used interchangeably. But, while they are connected, the two terms are not the same. Many differences exist between sex and gender. The most obvious is the anatomical difference.

Sex refers to biological differences between male and females, like genitalia and gender differences. While gender is more of a social construct. It relates to an individual’s concept of themselves. This is called gender identity.

Gender identity is how a person sees themselves – their internal experience. It can be the same or different from the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender identity is self-identified. It is different from sexual orientation.

Sexual orientation refers to who a person is attracted to on the basis of gender. Some sexual orientations include being gay, bisexual, asexual, lesbian or straight.

Gender and sexual orientation are two separate, but related, aspects of self. Our society confuses gender with sexual orientation and it can interfere with a young person’s ability to understand their own gender.

What is the Gender Binary?

Gender binary is the problematic notion that there are only two genders – male and female, and that they can’t be changed. Most people view sex as a binary concept but it is more complicated than that.

Now there is more awareness about the different ways that people identify outside of the gender binary like genderqueer, gender non-conforming, or gender non-binary. People who do not identify as a man or a woman may identify either as both genders, neither gender, between genders, or not gendered. Gender does not always match a person’s sex assigned at birth, and gender can change over time.

Many people don’t identify with the gender they were assigned at birth, and some of them identify as transgender or non-binary.

Some people whose biological sex does not match their gender identity may make some changes to express their gender identity. This may involve changing their name, pronouns, clothing or style.

Gender is a spectrum, and a person can lie anywhere on the spectrum.”

The quote suggests that gender is not binary and that people can identify as any gender they choose, regardless of their sex. ( Read more: https://cadehildreth.com/gender-spectrum/ )

The idea of gender being more than just male or female has been around for centuries, but has only recently become more accepted. The concept of gender becomes more complex when we consider the idea of people who identify as “non-binary” – meaning they are not exclusively male or female.

Living as a non-binary in a binary world | Graysen Hall | TEDxUniversityofKent: https://youtu.be/7pvLDHFCEWk

Gender pronouns specifically refer to someone’s gender. Gender neutral or gender inclusive pronouns are a way to provide pronouns that do not belong to a specific gender.

Some people may use they/them pronouns. Other people may prefer she/her or he/him pronouns. Some people might also prefer to be referred to by their name instead of any pronoun at all.

( Read more: https://www.edi.nih.gov/blog/communities/what-are-gender-pronouns-why-do-they-matter )

What does Non-Binary mean?

A non-binary person is someone who does not identify as a man or a woman. Someone who identifies as non-binary might feel like a mix of genders or no gender at all. Some people partially identify with one or more of the binary genders – like gender-fluid. There are many different ways to identify as non-binary.

The Non-Binary community is a diverse one. Many Non-Binary people identify as somewhere on the masculine-feminine spectrum. Some Non-Binary people feel like a mix of gender, or somewhere in between one or more genders. Some identify as androgynous, which means they look like a mix of masculinity and femininity. Sometimes, Non-Binary people use terms like Genderqueer or Gender Questioning to describe themselves. Non-Binary people also include transgender and agender people who do not identify as men or women. They are part of the transgender and genderqueer community

Types of Non-binary Gender

  • Non-binary is an umbrella term for people who don’t identify with a particular gender.
  • Agender means having no specific gender identity or having a gender identity that is neutral or undefined. It’s sometimes used interchangeably with genderless.
  • Bigender means having two distinct gender identities, either simultaneously or alternatively.
  • Genderfluid means moving between two or more gender identities.
  • Genderqueer is a term for individuals with non-binary gender identities. Some people identify with it as their main identity.
( Read more: https://www.healthline.com/health/different-genders )

While these terms are very important to understand, what is even more important is acceptance. We should accept them, for who they are, not who they were supposed to be.

Instead of focusing on these terms, we should focus on their names and pronouns. If someone has changed their name, it is important to call them by their new name. If you are not sure what pronouns they use, just ask them and refer to them by that pronoun in the future.

It is common to make mistakes, but we should learn from them. We are all new to this so we should always make an effort to learn more about it and be supportive.

Kriti Dhingra Author at Democratic Naari

Kriti Dhingra

She likes reading fiction novels, watching movies, listening to soulful music and travelling.

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  1. ‘third gender’ the term is popularly used to refer to those who belong to trans community and i feel like that need not be mentioned. multiple pronouns exist beyond she, he and they. otherwise well written article.

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