Pink Tax freepik_dot_com democratic naari
Gender Equality

What is the “Pink Tax” and why is it problematic?

When you go for shopping to the mall or a store, you may have noticed that products are divided according to the gender. On one side you have the ‘masculine’ products with black, grey or navy blue packaging. And if we talk about deodorants or perfumes, they have a very strong and muskier scent. On …

Leeza Mangaldas sex positive content online democratic naari
Content Creator People Life Changing Ideas

Leeza Mangaldas : Her Story of creating sex-positive content online

In a country like India, sex is always treated as a taboo & is often considered immoral to converse about it with anyone, especially when it comes to elders. Sexual intercourse is a topic that is often demurred because it is considered to be humiliating and it is supposed to be reticent at times. Talking …

sex education illustration freepik_dot_com
Parenting Sex Education

How can parents deliver ‘the talk’ about SEX-ED to their child

Educating about sex to your children can be a bit awkward and difficult to initiate at first. But considering how important it is to share this information, parents must find a way to convey it. Sex education involves teaching about a lot of aspects and it is not possible to comprehend all at once for …

lgbtq family freepik illustration freepik_dot_com democraticnaari
Break Stereotypes Gender Equality LGBTQ+ Parenting Social Issue

Same-Sex Parenting in India

“Kids need parents, regardless of their gender.” India has a population of around 2.5 million people who belong to the LGBTQIA+ community according to government estimates. Even though the community is huge in number, it has always been a victim of discrimination and harassment. The decriminalization of Section 377 in 2018 was widely celebrated. It …

Women Empowerment Is it a myth in developing countries democratic naari
Gender Equality

Women Empowerment : Is it a myth in developing countries

At first we need to understand what is the core meaning of the two words – “women empowerment” as many of us get confused about the main motive hidden behind these words just like it happened with the word – “feminism“, as it is being used for many inconsiderate & acquisitive reasons or for individual …

Health Parenting

Cesarean (C-section) delivery – a need or capitalism?

“The gift of life”. One of the most popular sayings to exist in our society. It glorifies life and puts the act of giving birth on a pedestal. But what happens to our society when we try to capitalise on one of the most basic animal processes? We call it a “gift” yet we’ve found …

Health & Relationships

Facing Violence When You Are Dating Someone : Signs to keep in your mind

Romantic relationships are a beautiful thing, especially for those, who are taking a step forward to a new journey in their relationship, where partners respect each other and give equal space to grow individually as well. However, sadly, not everyone gets to experience the pure unadulterated beauty of love. Unfortunately, not all partners are respectful …

I am More than What You See democratic naari
Break Stereotypes Gender Equality

5 Inspirational Women who Inspire us: I am More than What You See

UNLEASHED…..SHE IS NOT HELD CAPTIVE TO OLD PARADIGMS OR STEREOTYPES A stereotype is a generalized belief about a particular category of people/gender, especially about women. I want you all to just think for a minute and say some of the women-centric industries in this world, not able to find a lot of it, right? This …

Dating websites or apps for LGBTQ+ in India democratic naari
LGBTQ+ Relationship

Dating websites or apps for LGBTQ+ in India

Love is beyond the stiff walls and boundaries that are set by the society such as sizes, genders, religions, colour, and caste. Indian society is multifaceted when it comes to socially accept the LGBTQ community. However, with section 377 being struck down by the Supreme Court, homosexuality is not a crime anymore, and with the …

lgbtq lesbian freepik illustration democratic naari
Break Stereotypes Gender Equality LGBTQ+ Social Issue

LGBTQ+ : Choosing to be Who You Want to be

Homosexual relationships have been taboo in India for the longest time. Members of the LGBTQ+ community have often held back from coming out of the closet or openly having relationships due to the stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination still prevalent in our country. The fight for equal rights by this community has been a long-drawn war …