Patriarchal attitudes and stereotypes democratic naari democraticnaari

Patriarchal Attitudes and Stereotypes

We live in a society which is very particular about its trends and traditions. Following the cultural practices and continuing the legacy of stereotypes is something which is appreciated by the people around us. But, in this immensely evolving society both patriarchal attitudes and stereotypes in family relationships doesn’t go hand in hand. Sometimes people …

Navigating Career and Motherhood democraticnaari democratic naari

How to balance Career Progression and Motherhood

My message is simple: we need a 21st century mentality for women’s economic participation. We need to flush away the flotsam of ingrained gender inequality Christine Lagarde Society places more responsibility on the mother’s shoulders in the upbringing of a child. Despite an upward trend in women seeking higher education, jobs and financial independence most of …

Early Pregnancy democratic naari democraticnaari

Early Pregnancy: All you need to know about its signs!

People have this misconception nowadays that a missed period is the sole sign that a woman is pregnant. While there are numerous other symptoms that you are unaware of. From sore breasts to morning sickness to mood swings, it happens with every woman in a different manner and with each pregnancy. Here you will find …

Things You need to know about sexual consent democratic naari

Things You need to know about Sexual Consent

“The word “NO” is a sentence in itself. It doesn’t require any kind of explanation; each and every gender should realize the value of “NO”. It doesn’t matter if the person saying this, is an acquaintance, girlfriend, sex worker or your own wife.” This very known dialogue from the movie Pink speaks volumes and is …

Sex Work is Work democraticnaari democratic naari

Sex work is work

Sex work also called as ‘Prostitution’ is practised by women, trans-genders and queers. Sex workers are recognised as informal workers under the category ‘women at work’. In India, prostitution is not legalised but organised sex work is allowed. According to the Immoral Traffic (Suppression) Act, prostitutes can practise their trade privately but cannot legally solicit …

The Art of Being a Single Parent democraticnaari democratic naari

The Art of Being a Single Parent

We live in a society that tends to be more concerned about what’s going on in the other person’s life rather than their own. Our society thrives on gossip, judgements, and giving each other unsolicited advice. Unfortunately, this only tends to increase as we get older. For whatever reason, relationships have always been treated as …