Equal Parenting Issue of Gender and Parenting democraticnaari democratic naari
Break Stereotypes Parenting Social Issue

Equal Parenting: Issue of Gender and Parenting

Parenting is about being competent and responsible. It’s not about gender, necessarily

Dan Savage

It should be clearly understood that it is not only the responsibility of the mothers to look after their children. The child’s growth and behaviour depend on how the parents bring them and in what atmosphere they grow in. Thus, parenting plays a vital role in nurturing a child.

What is Parenting?

Parenting means ‘the raising of children and all the responsibilities and activities involved in it.’ It cannot be done in one day or by one individual. It takes years to nurture a child into a grown young adult, and both father and mother should do it. In simple words, parents are two individuals, i.e., the father and the mother, who ‘give birth to, produce‘. It is also essential for them to share all the responsibilities in nurturing the child.

Gender Role in Parenting

It involves two individuals giving birth to a child. Biologically, the mother is the one who gives birth and nurse the baby. That doesn’t mean it’s her responsibility to take care of the child solely. Here, the difference between the masculine and feminine should not be taken as unequal treatment based on gender. Instead, it should be known as socially constructed roles and relationships between men and women.

Therefore, gender role should not be misunderstood as specific jobs such as parenting and other chores should be taken care of by the women. When it comes to financial responsibilities, it should be taken care of the men.

Impacts of Gender Stereotype in child

The way how parenting is carried out reflects on the future of the children. Parenting is about shaping the children by teaching them about the life lessons which could not be taught in school or by some books or giving lectures.

This takes practical experience on how the parent takes roles and responsibilities, how they behave, etc. These are how the children have been influenced, such as role modelling. Children learn things from their parents, so it is the responsibility of both mother and father in shaping them.

For instance, if the mother does all the home chores at home, the child would have a mindset that only women will do the home chores and men should not do that. This gender stereotype should be knockdown for healthy parenting and a better society without discrimination in the future.

One of the reasons behind domestic violence and unhealthy relationship is gender stereotypes. Co-parenting would prevent all the inequalities and indifferences regarding gender discrimination and create a better atmosphere for the children to grow and learn. The importance of co-parenting is that the child would be able to have a healthy relationship with parents and society.

The influence of the parents has a significant impact on the child’s life and their behaviour. In India we often, come across certain opinions such asMothers are supposed to look after the children. She needs to cook and clean for them‘, ‘Father’s permission is needed for school picnics, parties and persuasion of hobbies‘ and so on. This clearly shows how the gender stereotype plays in parenting. Gender stereotypes nurtures the child’s mind to decide that it knows it should not go to the father if it is hungry.

In recent years, there is a positive change in gender parenting. The parents started to share all their responsibilities, right from home chores, taking care of children, etc. Even the opinion about the colour, i.e., pink is for girls and blue is for boys, should be changed for a gender-neutral society.

The solution to adult problems tomorrow depends on large measure upon how our children grow up today” – Margaret Mead. This clearly illustrates how parenting influences the children and its interconnection with society. Therefore, now is the time to break down the gender stereotypes and ensure a gender-equal society.

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1 Comment

  1. Edgar says:

    Wonderful article.

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