cellulite what is cellulite and how to deal with it democratic naari
Health Women Health

Cellulite: What it is, What causes cellulite, and How to deal with it

Inner beauty is the new definition for beauty. The truth is, everybody is beautiful, but if you are concerned about cellulite or if you have lumpy skin, then you can continue reading this article. Here, we are going to discuss about what cellulite is, how you can prevent it, and how it can be treated.

What is cellulite?

Is your hip, thigh, or buttock skin uneven, lumpy? This may be the sign of skin conditions referred to as cellulite, which causes lumpy, dimpled skin on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen that are very common, harmless and treatable. Almost 80-90% post-pubertal females are more likely to suffer from the condition.

Is this a common occurrence?

The condition is extremely common. It is estimated that 80-90% of teenage girls have cellulite. This percentage drops to less than 10% for men.

Several factors determine how much cellulite you may have and its visibility, including your genes, sex, age, fat percentage on your body, and the thickness of your skin. Cellulite may appear to be more visible with age because the skin loses elasticity. Being overweight can also accentuate the appearance of cellulite.

While obese people tend to have more cellulite, it’s common for very lean people to have the appearance of cellulite as well.

Is it a disease?

Answer is no, cellulite is nor any disease or a disorder. Having cellulite won’t harm your health in any way, and it doesn’t hurt either.

Grading of cellulite

According to a 2009 (Research Gate) publication ( https://www.researchgate.net/publication/24018731_A_validated_photonumeric_cellulite_severity_scale ), three grades are used to evaluate cellulite severity

  • Grade 1 (Mild): A “peel-like” appearance is evident, with between 1 and 4 superficial depressions as well as somewhat “draped” or sagging skin.
  • Grade 2 (Moderate): The skin is moderately draped, with an appearance of cottage cheese, five to nine medium-depth depressions, and a “cottage cheese” appearance.
  • Grade 3 (Severe): With approximately 10 to 15 deep depressions and severely draped skin, the area has the appearance of a “mattress”.

What causes cellulite?

Cellulite results from an accumulation of fat under the skin. It is more prevalent in some women than others. Depending on your body fat percentage, your genes, your age, and the amount of cellulite you have, it will vary in appearance. It is also affected by skin thickness. Everyone can get cellulite, regardless of weight or body type.

Females have more visible fat distributions than men. There are multiple pockets of fat under the skin, separated by collagen fibers. Age can increase the appearance of cellulite and make your skin thinner and less elastic. Your connective tissues will expose these ripples.

1. Biological factors and aging

  • Cellulite development is probably influenced by hormones. Several hormones play a role in the development of cellulite, including estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin.
  • Blood flow to the connective tissue under the skin is believed to decrease as estrogen in women decreases during menopause. The reduced circulation means less oxygen in the area, which leads to decreased collagen production. As estrogen levels drop, fat cells enlarge as well.Fat deposits become more visible as a result of these factors.
  • Skin loses its elasticity, becomes thinner, and is more likely to sag as it ages. These factors lead to increased chances of cellulite becoming apparent.

2. Molecular genetics

Cellulite development is dependent on certain genes. People’s metabolism, fat distribution under their skin, ethnicity, and levels of blood circulation can all be affected by genetic factors. Each of these can influence the chances of developing cellulite.

3. Dietary and lifestyle factors

  • A healthy lifestyle may reduce the risk of cellulite, but it isn’t caused by “toxins”. Cellulite is more likely to develop in people who consume too much fat, carbohydrates, and salt and too little fiber.
  • Also, it is more likely to occur in smokers, non-exercisers, and people who sat or stood in one position for long periods of time.
  • A tight elastic underwear can restrict blood flow across the buttocks, which may lead to cellulite.
  • Fat individuals have a greater risk of developing it, but people with low fat have a lower risk. The condition is more common after the age of 25, but teenagers and younger persons can also be affected

Is there any cure?

Yes, there is a cure for cellulite and that starts with self-love. One should accept themselves as they are, no one is perfect, everyone has been a level down in some or other thing.

And self-care includes taking care of yourself and in the world of junk food, giving yourself a treat of healthy food is just like ice on the cake. Eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle solves more than half of your body related problems.

Eating healthy doesn’t mean eating all the time without the correct proportions of nutrition. Nutrition plays a vital role in our life, taking it in a right proportion will make your life easy but taking it excessive or insufficient will create a problem for you.

Cellulite can be reduced in some ways by medical procedures listed by Healthline:

  • Cryolipolysis
  • Ultrasound
  • Cellfina
  • Acoustic wave therapy
  • Laser and radio-frequency treatments
  • Vacuum-assisted precise tissue release
  • Carboxytherapy

What you can do to avoid cellulite?

You can do many things to avoid cellulite. Here we are going to mention few things to avoid cellulite

1. Exercise

A key to successful anti-cellulite is to remove the maximum amount of excess body fat as possible.

Having an excess of fat storage hormones in the lower body leads to the appearance of cellulite. When you can control these hormones with a nutritious diet and burn as much fat as possible with exercise, you’re sure to dominate the problem.

Be physically active regularly even helps to build strength and endurance. When you exercise, oxygen and nutrients are delivered to your tissues and your cardiovascular system is more efficient. Having good heart and lung health will give you more energy to accomplish daily chores.

2. Improve Blood Circulation

Take regular strength and cardio exercise and get massages to increase circulation. Showers that alternate between hot and cold can also enhance circulation.

3. Healthy Balance Diet

Weight loss can be achieved through a low-fat diet consisting mainly of veggies and lean proteins. Reduce the intake of sugar, starches, alcohol, processed foods, and sugary fruit. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, foods with a low glycemic index may also help you lose weight.

You can check this url for more info: https://www.healthline.com/health/cellulite#home-remedies


The occurrence of cellulite is not a disease, but rather a skin condition. If you haven’t been exercising, then you should take the basic steps to do exercise not just to avoid cellulite, but also to prevent many other health problems.

Anjali Bisht Author at Democratic Naari

Anjali Bisht


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