Can I Get Pregnant If democraticnaari democratic naari
Health & Relationships Sex Education

Can I Get Pregnant If…?

Women have the most beautiful gift one can have and that is to conceive. Almost every female dreams about becoming a mother someday and experience the form of beauty and love which is as pure as snow. But there are so many myths and misconceptions about how pregnancy works. This misinformation leads to building up of fear in the name of sex and pregnancy.

Here are some real answers to the myths so that you can make better decisions about sex, protection and pregnancy.

Can I get Pregnant if me and my partner uses the ‘pull-out method’?

The withdrawal method for contraception, otherwise called “pull-out” technique or “intercourse interruptus,” is the point at which one partner removes their penis from the other partner’s vagina and away from their partners private parts or genitals before they ejaculate.

This method is not considered as a successful type of contraception. Out of each 100 individuals utilizing just withdrawal as conception prevention, an expected 22 to 27 of them will get pregnant in one year. Withdrawal frequently doesn’t work because it’s difficult to time the pulling-out effectively. Sperm may also be available in certain individuals’ pre-ejaculatory liquid (also called “pre-cum“).

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Can I get Pregnant if I have sex during periods?

It is one of the most asked question in the sex and pregnancy category and answer to this question is yes, women can get pregnant is they have sex during periods. It is true that women do not conceive during their menstrual period but the sperm survives in the female body till 5 days which means the female reproductive system can come into action within 5 days. There is a chance that fraction of women can get pregnant from having unprotected sex during their periods.

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Can I get Pregnant if I choose for anal sex?

No, but…. there are chances that the distance between the rectum and vagina is little. So assuming you are having anal sex without a condom, it’s conceivable that some sperm can likewise get into your vagina and cause a pregnancy.

There isn’t acceptable information around how frequently this occurs, however it’s generally accepted that it’s conceivable yet far-fetched. Sperm inside anus (also the digestive tract) can’t prompt pregnancy directly. STIs, however, including HIV, can be passed to or from a anal sex accomplice, so utilizing condoms (with a suitable lubricant) is consistently a smart thought.

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Can I get Pregnant if I use two condoms instead of one?

No. When utilized accurately, condoms give great security against pregnancy and physically communicated contaminations (STIs), yet on the off chance that you put two condoms on immediately, they will rub together and there’s a higher possibility of condom breakage. Best to adhere to one condom, and utilize some condom-safe lubricant.

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Can I get Pregnant if I opt. for Oral Sex?

No. Regardless of whether you are on the giving or getting end, you can’t get pregnant from oral sex, or from kissing. While sperm can make due for 3-5 days in your reproductive system, they can’t live in your stomach related plot. You can’t get pregnant from gulping semen. Oral sex isn’t altogether without hazard, however—any mouth to genital contact can send physically sent contaminations.

To read more about the question:

Can I get Pregnant if I am Breastfeeding?

The basic answer is yes. In spite of the fact that breastfeeding offers some assurance from ovulation, the month-to-month event where you discharge a develop egg from one of your ovaries, it is feasible to ovulate and get pregnant preceding getting your first period.

The central member here is the chemical oxytocin, which is liable for milk creation. It really stifles the cerebrum from making the primary chemical that invigorates the ovary to grow an egg every month that will at last ovulate determined to meet a sperm. At the point when a mother is breastfeeding solely, or even on a reliable premise, it is more uncertain that she will ovulate at all until she begins to wean. That doesn’t imply that you will not ovulate or consider. The “defensive” impact of breastfeeding turns out to be logically less powerful the more it’s been since you conveyed your child.

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Before letting yourself in the stage of sex and pregnancy, be fully informed and then decide the level of risk which is okay for you. Recollect that no one but condoms can ensure you against both pregnancy and physically sent contaminations (STIs). The most secure alternative is to utilize condoms and another type of contraception.

Shreya Srivastava

See the world colourful and not in black and white

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