Gender Neutral Parenting Cocept parets_dot_com SARA GIRONI CARNEVALE
Break Stereotypes Gender Equality

Gender Neutral Parenting – Time To Change the Pink and Blue Norm


Don’t you think it’s high time to overcome the social barriers and social stereotype of inequality of resources on gender biases. And become and speak in gender neutral language. Yes, slowly and steadily things are changing but to make sure the upcoming generation doesn’t have to be part of these protests.

Thus, Parents can play the most essential role to end this gender inequality. As you read the title, That’s why we are going to discuss various things related to Gender Neutral Parenting. So the first thing comes first.

What is Gender-neutral Parenting?

Gender-neutral parenting attempts to encourage not the stereotypical gender biases and not implementing the bounds conceived social cultures and norms and bringing up children in not a specified gender oriented language.

One generation full of deep loving parents would change the brain of the next generation, and with that, the world

Charles Raison

Certain harshen subjectiveness like

Cross-gender behaviour is seen as less acceptable in boys than it is in girls: unlike the term ‘tomboy’ there is nothing positive implied by its male counterpart, the ‘sissy’

Cordelia Fine

Just like Cordelia said nothing positive is being imposed by such incalculable behavior, it doesn’t seem so masucline change the name of the boy – HELLO! A person’s personality defines who they are, not their name or gender.

As we all take the renowned personalities living as a ‘talk show’ and tend to follow their footsteps. Here is something that might provoke your following in a more neutral manner - Canadian Singer Grimes And Tesla CEO Elon Musk raise their Child in Gender Neutral Manner. (Read More: )

Gender neutral parenting is a new approach but should be a successful one, as we all tend to make the choices which suit us best then why not choosing the gender too can be one of those. A canadian parent, a non binary transgeder identifies as neither male or female- is fighting to omit the gender clause from the birth certificate to let the child chose on it’s own what they feel like whenever they feel like. (Read More: )

There’s a difference between gender-neutral parenting and gender-neutral children – it’s about giving the child to choose if they want a gender to be imposed on them or not and having the freedom to choose for themselves.

Beautiful Isn’t For Girls And Handsome Isn’t For Males- When These Words Were Formed They Didn’t Come With A Gender Biased Agreement.

Use Gender Neutral Compliments

  • You look gorgeous!
  • Your eyes are breathtaking!
  • This color looks perfect on you!
  • You smell good!
  • You’ve got a great posture!
  • You’re someone’s reason to smile!
  • There’s ordinary and then there’s you!
  • Any team would be lucky to have you
  • Your name suits you!
  • You seem to really know who you are!

Why the Mantra of Bringing Equality?

Children tend to learn quickly and especially during their early age as they are more likely to adapt things with a fresh unburdened mind. Which will eventually help them stay adapted to the right outlook throughout their life.

Clothing has no gender.

Raise your child/ children with a perspective that sex/gender doesn’t actually define who you’re and not let others have the authority to do that either. It’s okay if you’re a boy and chose to ‘dress like a girl’ or want to have long hair or own a doll, everything shall be acceptable and normalised. Things might or may not change after they grow up but they shall be obligated on their own to live like whoever they chose to be.

Help them find themselves and let them try new things before settling on one, because life is always going to be full of surprises and tragedies, having a helping hand, a guide and a support and it’s a bonus to have all this in a parent will help child to face challenges in the world with a calm mind.

Don’t think this as outrageous or something stupid thinking, we live in a democratic world where we’re not just free to voice our opinion but also to dress and act and be resembled as who we are.

You can check out this article also which is about "Fashion: Is our Clothing Sexist too?" :

Here’s a thread of input from Indian parents to gender neutral parenting:

Hence, parents should not impose biased or unbiased judgements either, it’s a growing world for both parents and children both. Evolve with the world, focus on gender equality and not stereotypes.

However, challenges would be faced by either but the outcome of having a better living for the next generation would be worth it.

Krisha Bulani Author at Democratic Naari

Krisha Bulani

'a quiet conscience gives you strength'
- so now you can guess my writing inspo

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