14 Self-care Tips for Mom-sanity | Democratic Naari

14 Self-care Tips for Mom-sanity – Why is it necessary for mothers to do self-care?

Motherhood is the toughest role for a woman to play. In the middle of the night, you might get caught up with your kid’s high-pitched crying, or in the morning, you might be on a video call holding your baby, or maybe you have forgotten to have your breakfast. These things can all happen, and many more, as your child gets separated from your womb and starts blooming like a flower in the earth-like garden.

When, as a mother, you feel that your priority should be your children, do you think it makes you a better mom? In any circumstance, your priority should be you. I know it’s easier said than done. However, the way you take care of your kids and family reflects a lot on how much you care for yourself.

Practicing self-care every day won’t harm your family or work. Self-care would require you to have a balanced daily routine, which, in return, will give you a balanced mind.

Why is it necessary for mothers to do self-care?

Self-care for anyone should not be optional. This is a non-negotiable routine that anyone should follow, whether they are a mother or not. Mothers are always busy, whether they are working individuals or home-makers. I believe mothers who are housewives are also doing a Job. And, their busy schedules take up so much of their time that they mostly forget about themselves.

Do not go through a guilt trip, moms. It is an essential part of being a mother to take better care of yourself so that you can give more to your family. Here are some reasons why you should put yourself first:

1. Creating a great bond with your own body:

Self-care is not just about having a good breakfast or putting on some face serum before going to bed; it is far more than that. It builds your body to go out on a marathon race or maybe for swimming. Self-care leads you to give yourself a challenge. When you fulfill the challenge, you take another one and make yourself more efficient and able to handle the challenges around you.

2. Living in a romantic relationship with your partner:

By taking care of yourself, you become more confident, and this confidence gives you happiness. When you are happy, it is visible through your aura, which makes you glow and attracts your partner. It is better for your sexual life too.

3. Enjoying life in great harmony with your kids:

Raising kids can be joyful and fulfilling, but at times, your kids can get grumpy or too tough to handle. To have a balanced relationship with your children, you first have to have a balanced relationship with yourself, and that can be possible if you keep solo time for yourself daily. Especially, when you are pregnant or have a newborn baby, it is suggested by anyone that you take care of yourself first.

4. Self-care works as a stress reliever in a busy work schedule:

You have a meeting to attend and after that, you have to drive to a parents’ meeting to attend at the school, which is followed by a dinner party at your relative’s house. It looks like an eventful day! How do you handle this if you are not at peace with yourself? When you have so much to fit into a day, you naturally get stressed. But if you are already pampering yourself for the days ahead, you are ready for such days.

How busy moms should take care of themselves?

Naturally, all moms are busy irrespective of their number of children, or family work, or occupation.

Whether you are a homemaker or a corporate leader, here are the 14 best pieces of advice for you on how to take care of yourself:

1. Make a Schedule for Self-care:

Keeping a daily routine helps you manage your work efficiently and keep you ready for the events, meetings, and outings with your family. It is better to make a plan for the next day before going to bed and make your mind ready for the next day. In this way, you can stick to an organized day and won’t miss anything important. Keep aside a particular time for self-care daily. Sometimes you can also change the slot for it.

2. Move your Body:

The secret to self-care is to keep your body moving. Though, indeed, moms are never standing still; they are always on the run, it is very crucial to make a plan for everyday exercise or meditation and stick to it. It is not necessary that you do a long workout in the Gym but taking your yoga mat daily and doing some Asanas will not take an hour.

3. Healthy Diet:

Many times moms keep on cooking and feeding the kids, whole family and relatives. Indian families appraise this kind of mom and their sacrifices, instead of telling them to eat on time and have a healthy diet. Keep track of your calories and what you eat and follow mindful eating. And a healthy diet is the most important thing when you are a pregnant or breastfeeding mother.

4. Find out your hobbies and work on them:

It is very natural to forget about your hobbies when you start raising kids and more responsibilities hover on your shoulders. Finding out your hidden talent may take some time, but it will be worth enough for your mental wealth-being. Revive those old days, if possible, by doing the things you used to do earlier for your relaxation.

5. Sleep sleep sleep!!!

Lack of sleep can have adverse effects on your health. You may feel an increased appetite which will increase the weight gain and make you feel more depressed. It is always better to follow some bedtime rituals like- not having alcohol, caffeine, heavy meals or upsetting conversation. You can grab a book or do some skincare rituals to have a deep sleep.

6. Prioritize your other work, try to delegate some:

After making a plan for your daily work, you should try to delegate the work that is not so important or other people can easily handle without your interference. This can be some office work or bringing some daily needs from the store. Follow 4Ds of Time management.

7. Get a healthy mind:

To live a healthy and joyful life, you as a mom mustn’t forget yourself. A healthy mind is the first step to getting a healthy body and a wealthy life. Pause before you decide anything, do not react depending on your impulsive emotions. Practice those habits and hobbies that bring you happiness.

8. Do some fun activities:

Challenge yourself some time. Do those which you always wanted to do, but for some reason, those activities did not get much of your attention. Why not go for a skydiving outing or a circus maybe? You can take up fun activities with your kids also. In this way, they will also come closer to you and learn about a healthy lifestyle.

9. Do not forget your beauty routine:

A beauty routine is a must. If you take daily care of your skin and hair, you won’t feel burdened before a big event. Looking good gives us more confidence at the workplace and parties; everywhere. Then why not take regular care of your skin. You can have a nice haircut so that your hair becomes easily manageable in your strict schedule. Always keep a handful of moisturizer and other skincare products handy in a small pouch.

10. Have a Relaxation corner at your home:

Having a relaxation corner at your home makes you realize that sometimes you should relax. Inevitably, you relax at least for 10 minutes every day. Relaxation time should be dedicated to you only, It’s Me time! You can get a cup of tea/coffee, nurture the plants, read a few lines of poetry, or listen to a podcast on Shayari- you can do anything or maybe nothing depending on your mood. Your me-time should be a tranquil solitude. You may choose not to even think about anything at that time.

11. Grab a book sometimes:

It’s a good habit to read a few lines daily. You can read anytime- at your me-time, or before sleeping or maybe while going to work. A book a day, Keep the stress monsters away!!!

12. A massage marks all the difference!

Understandably, sometimes you might not like doing any of the above; you might want someone else taking care of you. Then a Massage is a soothing option. Massage can help you in decreasing stress by lowering the heart rate and relaxing your muscles.

13. Keep a Journal handy:

Try to maintain a journal. A journal helps you to reflect on your everyday life. You can also express your gratitude to the universe through the journal.

14. Use Self-help apps:

There are many self-help apps available that can help you in your tough times. You can use them in your own time and choose what kind of service you want. Check out some self-help apps here:


Self-care is not just helping on your own, you will need support – support from family, relatives, friends, colleagues. Do not shy from seeking help or taking a day off. Talk to other moms or make/join an online community of mothers. When you will remain healthy, your near and dear ones will also get more from you. Remember that self-care is a non-negotiable ritual that you give yourself as a gift for sanity.

Arpita Bhattacharjee Author at Democratic Naari

Arpita Bhattacharjee

Arpita is an M.Com student and takes great interest in learning new skills. She uses writing as her relaxation tool

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