Untamed Pubic Hair Helps democraticnaari democratic naari

Grow The Grass: Untamed Pubic Hair Helps

Human body, though complex, has a sufficiently sophisticated defence mechanism. Every opening in our body is guarded against pathogens and foreign substances to a large extent by the immune system. Our mouth has saliva as the first line of defence, earwax acts as a filter for ears, nose has mucus and cilia (commonly called nose hair) to prevent debris from entering the lungs and maintain moisture in the air we breathe. Similarly, our vagina has vaginal fluids and pubic hair to combat bacteria.

We have pubic hair for pretty legit reasons. Like eyelashes, it traps potentially harmful micro-organisms. Moreover, the sebum produced by hair follicles prevent reproduction of bacteria.

Besides, it acts as a ‘dry lubricant’ by reducing friction during intercourse and other activities. It is a protective buffer for the delicate genital skin. It also keeps the genitals warm, thereby influencing arousal. A theory also suggests that pubic hair traps pheromones which in turn increases sexual appeal.

Although the hair thickness and growth in genitalia varies from person to person, extreme variations can be the result of underlying hormonal conditions like PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) which is associated with higher-than-normal testosterone levels in females. Symptoms like irregular periods and hair growth in other body parts, including the face can be alarming. In such cases, consulting a doctor or hormone therapy is advisable.

Pic Credits: healthline.com

One of the most common misconceptions we are made to believe over the ages is that pubic hair is unhygienic and should be tamed regularly to keep the vagina clean. The Vagina has self – cleaning property. The truth is, shaving or waxing can do more harm than good.

Removing pubic hair makes one more susceptible to common infections like STIs, UTIs, vaginitis etc. Underwear made of synthetic materials can trap moisture, leading to several infections in absence of the buffer. In shaving the pubic hair, women often get cuts or ingrown hair which can develop inflammation, rashes, itching, etc. Hot wax can cause burns. There is also a possible risk of catching skin infections due to tiny cuts through which bacteria and viruses can penetrate.

There are no proven health benefits of shaving the genitals, yet women put themselves through the torment for various reasons. They believe that pubic hair is dirty and unclean. Porn has set standards for hairless norms. For many others, the partner’s preferences steer them to genital grooming. However, some prefer to remove pubic hair for sexual confidence or for feeling sexier.

To grow it or groom it, is always a personal choice; but don’t make it your partner’s choice. Choose whatever makes you and your parts happy.

You can check below links for more details about Pubic Hair:

Rutuja Patole Author at Democratic Naari

Rutuja Patole

Like whiskey in a teacup

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