Purity Myth Women vs Virginity democraticnaari democratic naari

Purity Myth: Women vs Virginity

The belief that virginity is valuable and sexual purity is of prime importance is coerced in women from a very young age. Losing it before marriage makes them “damaged”, “desperate” and even “sluts”. Women are shamed for having sex but men are rewarded for it. Virginity typically means never having had sex. However, sex has …

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) MTP democraticnaari democratic naari

Medical Termination of Pregnancy: The Progressive Abortion Law

Many religions believe a child as the gift of God which makes abortion a hotly debated topic or rather a taboo issue. Some may argue that the foetus growing in the woman’s womb has the right to existence which outweighs the woman’s right to control her own body. However, the modern ideologies pose conflicts to …