Fashion Is our Clothing Sexist too democraticnaari democratic naari

Fashion: Is our Clothing Sexist too?

Fashion. The moment you say this word there is a tendency to think of a particular gender. Fashion and clothes have extremely strong feminine connotations. According to society, these are topics that only interest women and comes under “girl talk”. Yet somehow the fashion industry is still dominated predominantly by men. According to a study …

Purity Myth Women vs Virginity democraticnaari democratic naari

Purity Myth: Women vs Virginity

The belief that virginity is valuable and sexual purity is of prime importance is coerced in women from a very young age. Losing it before marriage makes them “damaged”, “desperate” and even “sluts”. Women are shamed for having sex but men are rewarded for it. Virginity typically means never having had sex. However, sex has …