Breaking Innocence: The Aftermath of Early Porn Exposure

Over the past decades, especially since the beginning of the 2000s, the growth of smart devices and internet availability has changed our way of living. From studying to shopping, from socializing to entertainment, the digital world is now an important part of our lives. However, with this enhanced connectivity also comes unregulated access to content …

The Stigma around Female Masturbation pexels_dot_com

The Stigma around Female Masturbation and benefits of Masturbation.

Masturbation is all about self-love, but we never talk about it unless we are playing games such as truth and dare or Never have I ever. Thanks to our lack of sex education, we always ask such questions to make our friends embarrass. We never really talk about masturbation. To some extent, we might have …

SEX EDUCATION FOR LGBTQ democratic naari

Sex Education for LGBTQ Because “Everyone has bodies, right?

What is SEX EDUCATION? The World Health Organization defines Sex Education as a “ broad program that aims to build a strong foundation for a lifelong foundation for lifelong sexual health by acquiring information and attitudes, beliefs and values about one’s identity, relationships and intimacy.” It can also be defined as a program that gives …

sex education illustration freepik_dot_com

How can parents deliver ‘the talk’ about SEX-ED to their child

Educating about sex to your children can be a bit awkward and difficult to initiate at first. But considering how important it is to share this information, parents must find a way to convey it. Sex education involves teaching about a lot of aspects and it is not possible to comprehend all at once for …

WHY SEXUAL HEALTH IS A QUESTION democraticnaari democratic naari

Why Sexual Health is a Question…

Sex education is the information about sex, sexuality, and connections, along with abilities working to assist youngsters with imparting and settle on educated choices in regards to sex and their sexual wellbeing. Sex schooling should happen from the beginning of grade levels, with information which is appropriate for student’s development and cultural foundation. It should …

Safe Sex Practices Guide for Teenagers democraticnaari democratic naari

Safe Sex Practices – A Sex Education Guide for Teenagers

Talks concerning sex and sexuality are considered to be Taboo in some parts of India even in the 21st century. According to an article in Psychology today peer pressure and lack of sex education leads to unhealthy sex practices. Most of the teens feel the pressure to have sex before they are ready. After years …