The Stigma around Female Masturbation pexels_dot_com
Sex Education

The Stigma around Female Masturbation and benefits of Masturbation.

Masturbation is all about self-love, but we never talk about it unless we are playing games such as truth and dare or Never have I ever. Thanks to our lack of sex education, we always ask such questions to make our friends embarrass.

We never really talk about masturbation. To some extent, we might have talked about male masturbation in our joke but never about female masturbation. I am not suggesting people joke about masturbation but sometimes joking about these kinds of sensitive topics create an opening to a bigger conversation.

We need to understand, It’s all about pleasure! Sexual pleasures have been confined to a single word “sex”, but we mostly don’t realize that sex is a natural process of mating which may or may not end in giving the pleasure you want, thus one should always know to satisfy their needs by self-love. In the case of women, self-love, pleasure, and the word masturbation are still taboo. In many places, women don’t even know the concept of masturbation or that there is any other way of sexual pleasure than having sex with your partner.

For a long time, there have been many misconceptions about masturbation, especially for females. In some places, people believe that masturbating can result in the loss of virginity especially in the places where a girl’s or women’s virginity is of much importance such societies suppress the idea or concept of masturbation among the people, however, masturbation has nothing to do with one’s virginity.

One can not blame but a male dominating society but it could be one of a reason for it. In a society where men have always been considered responsible for every need of women including their pleasures, self-love, or sexual pleasure by masturbation could not have survived much. Masturbation is not taboo but away for a woman to realize that they don’t have to depend on their partners for certain pleasure, however, the pleasure of masturbation and sex could differ but a woman must be aware of the satisfaction she could give to herself.

It could be a way for a woman to know her body, to know where and what she does or doesn’t like to be touched. It can surely enhance one’s sexual life.

Medically speaking, the highly sensitive part of a women body or the world of sexual pleasure is dominated by a single point like structure called: clitoris (–to-tips-for-self–stimulation ), it is the the most sensitive part of the female genitalia and has about a hundred more nerve ending than a male penis that is hundred more ways to get sensual and feel the pleasure. Thanks to our upcoming fearless media which involves several TV series and movies that taught us about sex education. Even Many social media influencers took the initiative to educate the masses about sex and provide them proper sex education. One of the influencers that come to my mind is Leeza Mangaldas

Masturbation can be a stress buster or a mode of relaxation. Self-love allows us to feel good not just mentally but physically too. Several hormones such as Dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin, also known as happiness hormones ( ) are released during masturbating which lifts our mood and relaxes our mind.

Oxytocin, also known as the love hormone reduces anxiety and stress by reducing a person’s blood pressure. 

Masturbation even helps in falling asleep, like endorphins and oxytocin hormones are associated with relaxation so if a person can’t sleep because of stress and anxiety then masturbation can help. It even improves a person’s self-esteem, as a person gets to know their body more and spends some quality time with themselves helps in improving self-esteem.

Masturbation is still a word that is unknown to several people, I am not a doctor neither a specialist but one must dig deeper and must acknowledge themselves and their feelings. An article can’t be enough to talk about masturbation. Now it’s useless to complain about not getting proper sex education. now it’s time we start getting sex education on our own. And more importantly, it’s our turn to educate the young generation about sex and sexual pleasure. It’s not too late to learn about these so start learning.

Some amazing articles on Sex Education:

You can also watch Nextflix Sex Education Series by Laurie Nunn ( ) :

Banshita Gangwar Author at Democratic Naari

Banshita Gangwar

Just another extra and ordinary being in this extraordinary world

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