Pornography How its affecting Women democratic naari democraticnaari

Psychological Aspects of Pornography: How its affecting Women

With recent developments in communication technology and the internet, everything a person could ever need is available at the tip of their fingers. However, this includes unrestricted access to pornography and other deplorable videos and activities on the dark web. Pornography mainly includes materials and contents representing graphic imagery meant to arouse and stimulate the …

Sexting: What is Sexting and its Consequences democraticnaari democratic naari

Sexting: What is Sexting and its Consequences

Don’t try to run after reading the topic. I know it’s a sensitive topic to talk about but you should have knowledge of each and everything. Because a wise man once said, A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So let’s come to the point What is Sexting? By the name itself you can guess …

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) MTP democraticnaari democratic naari

Medical Termination of Pregnancy: The Progressive Abortion Law

Many religions believe a child as the gift of God which makes abortion a hotly debated topic or rather a taboo issue. Some may argue that the foetus growing in the woman’s womb has the right to existence which outweighs the woman’s right to control her own body. However, the modern ideologies pose conflicts to …


Stop Sexual Harassment at Workplace

Sexual misconduct at the workplace started to dominate the news due to the Me Too movement’s emergence. The Me Too movement is a historic global movement that started out as a Hollywood sex scandal. Once the industry’s biggest names were called out openly for their actions, it gave the rest of the public courage and …

Body Image Positivity: What is it, and how can I improve it - democraticnaari

Body Image Positivity: What is it, and how can I improve it?

What size are you in? Oh! The plus size? I’m in xs you know. Come-on you can’t wear crop-tops, they don’t fit you. Bodycons are not for you babe! Yeah and you guessed it right. I’m talking about body imaging. This is what we usually hear from friends, family, but let me introduce you’ll to …

India Women's Reservation Bill - Democratic Naari

India: Women’s Reservation Bill

Every time a renewed discussion about the women’s reservation bill possibly being tabled at the parliament occurs, there is always talk that it would be a game-changer in women empowerment. Conveniently all spokesperson of most parties discusses the importance of such a bill with a vigour that rivals most other policies. We might be at …

THE GREAT INDIAN KITCHEN - Democratic Naari - Malayam Movie - 2021

THE GREAT INDIAN KITCHEN: A Reality Check about Present-Day Patriarchy

The Great Indian Kitchen, a recent Malayalam film, is being critically praised for its scathing portrayal of the reality of women doing household work. It’s making waves for its silent critique about the endless toil of a woman and the unknowing cruelty of man. The title is neither an ode to Indian food nor its …