Period Poverty in India democraticnaari democratic naari

Period Poverty in India

The taboo surrounding menstruation overlooks the categorical and hierarchical classifications of caste, class, and gender. Menstrual blood is traditionally portrayed as disgusting and impure and is explicitly differentiated from other bodily fluids.The implicit prejudices that we all have as a consequence of our socioeconomic background have often contributed to us developing a misleading impression and …

Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) MTP democraticnaari democratic naari

Medical Termination of Pregnancy: The Progressive Abortion Law

Many religions believe a child as the gift of God which makes abortion a hotly debated topic or rather a taboo issue. Some may argue that the foetus growing in the woman’s womb has the right to existence which outweighs the woman’s right to control her own body. However, the modern ideologies pose conflicts to …

Body Image Positivity: What is it, and how can I improve it - democraticnaari

Body Image Positivity: What is it, and how can I improve it?

What size are you in? Oh! The plus size? I’m in xs you know. Come-on you can’t wear crop-tops, they don’t fit you. Bodycons are not for you babe! Yeah and you guessed it right. I’m talking about body imaging. This is what we usually hear from friends, family, but let me introduce you’ll to …