Women Mental Health

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It can influence how we think, feel, and behave. Good mental health doesn’t just mean the absence of mental health problems. It means being mentally or emotionally healthy. Mental Health Problems are challenging and they affect almost everyone. Everyone experiences them at some point. A person’s …

The Stigma around Female Masturbation pexels_dot_com

The Stigma around Female Masturbation and benefits of Masturbation.

Masturbation is all about self-love, but we never talk about it unless we are playing games such as truth and dare or Never have I ever. Thanks to our lack of sex education, we always ask such questions to make our friends embarrass. We never really talk about masturbation. To some extent, we might have …

SEX EDUCATION FOR LGBTQ democratic naari

Sex Education for LGBTQ Because “Everyone has bodies, right?

What is SEX EDUCATION? The World Health Organization defines Sex Education as a “ broad program that aims to build a strong foundation for a lifelong foundation for lifelong sexual health by acquiring information and attitudes, beliefs and values about one’s identity, relationships and intimacy.” It can also be defined as a program that gives …

Gender Neutral Parenting Cocept parets_dot_com SARA GIRONI CARNEVALE

Gender Neutral Parenting – Time To Change the Pink and Blue Norm

Time to renew the terms – PINK IS ALSO FOR BOYS AND BLUE IS ALSO FOR GIRLS. Don’t you think it’s high time to overcome the social barriers and social stereotype of inequality of resources on gender biases. And become and speak in gender neutral language. Yes, slowly and steadily things are changing but to …


Gender Neutral Language and Why it is need of the hour

We celebrate Pride Day, some of us describe ourselves WOKE, but we all can assure that struggle is still real for women. At first we all were distinguished into just two genders, but not anymore and it’s time we all respect that and come forward with equality to all in proper balances. With changing the …


What is Maternal Health and Why is it important?

The health of a newborn is solely dependent on the mother’s health. You must have heard many a times, when a healthy baby is born in a family, the credits go to the mother. We all by now, know the importance of maternal health at a glance. Let us understand what do we mean by …

What it means to Identify as Non-Binary democratic naari

What it means to Identify as Non-Binary

Being non-binary can mean something different to different people. For some people, it means not identifying with any gender. Some people identify as both genders simultaneously, and others might identify as a third gender. Some people are born non-binary, while others might have felt this way their whole life but didn’t know how to coherent …

Life of Being a single parent democratic naari

Life of Being a single parent

Single parent families are quite different from dual parent families living under the same roof. There reasons vary for being a single parent. They might have chosen this lifestyle, death of the spouse, divorce or separation. There are numerous challenges faced by the single parent that vary according to the circumstances, however common experiences are …